
Who doesn't want to be surprised with a beautiful bouquet on their birthday!

Our online selection of suitable products

Bouquet of roses
Uniquely locally created
Bouquet of roses
Spring surprise
Uniquely locally created
Spring surprise
Tulips surprise
Uniquely locally created
Tulips surprise
Heart with roses
Uniquely locally created
Heart with roses
Surprise bouquet
Uniquely locally created
Surprise bouquet
Bouquet of roses 'colorful
Uniquely locally created
Bouquet of roses 'colorful
Picking bouquet
Uniquely locally created
Picking bouquet
Bouquet of red roses
Uniquely locally created
Bouquet of red roses
Biedermeier bouquet
Uniquely locally created
Biedermeier bouquet
Traditional 'colorful' bouquet
Uniquely locally created
Traditional 'colorful' bouquet
Bouquet traditional 'pastel'
Uniquely locally created
Bouquet traditional 'pastel'
White roses
Uniquely locally created
White roses
Photo of the owner

Can't make up your mind? Check out the sample bouquets for inspiration, or let me make a suggestion based on a few questions.

Monday: 9 - 18 Hour
Tuesday: 9 - 18 Hour
Wednesday: 9 - 18 Hour
Thursday: 9 - 18 Hour
Friday: 9 - 18 Hour
Saturday: 9 - 12 Hour
Sunday: Closed